angel600 Rafaello Association Painting CourseWe are planning a special course for 2015.  All the  proceeds of this course will be split between

a) Associazione Rafaello – a charity local to Camerino who support the families of children with cancer, and who have been an invaluable help to us

b) Leukeaemia & Lymphoma Research – a UK charity funding research in Leukemia, so that in the future no families will have to go through what we have, and whose great website helped me when I really needed information and support.


The course will follow the usual structure of the 7 day course.

Artists will be asked to pay the deposit to us and the balance directly into the bank accounts of the charity concerned (so you don’t pay tax twice).

Please note, in order to maximise funds for the charities artists will be asked to share a room.

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