italy painting holiday andrea and the moon
Our friend Andrea, the view from the kitchen porch

Painting Holidays Italy has taken a turn to the Bloomsbury side.


A Room with a View

We got ourselves listed on hurrah!


A Room of One’s Own

It has taken me decades to get myself a studio, to cordon a small section of the world just for me.  No more painting on the kitchen table, clearing up with every meal and putting up with whines about the smell.  At last a room entirely for me and my palatte.  Imagine my secret annoyance, then, when a couple of swallows move in. I mean, they’ve got the whole of Italy.

'Essense of Cat'

However, our feathered friends had not bargained on Nerina (otherwise known as ‘Essence of Cat’, ‘Ninja’, ‘The Machine of Marche’ or ‘Long black streak of Midnight’) – She looked at them, they never came back.  I think she made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.

There seems to be some insinuation that I was somehow responsible, that I had not entered into the romantic joy of swallows nesting/squawking/pooping in the studio.

Now I may not be Shakespeare’s sister (if you knew my brother!), I may not even  be Michealangelo’s dotty auntie three times removed, but experience tells me that should life offer you a room of your own then you should hang onto it, even if family can’t see the point and think you rather selfish – even though they all have rooms of their own.  I am now convinced that if Nerina had not intervened I would have had to resort to ever more drastic measures.

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