zabaglione recipe no ads

Zabaglione. Who knew that this festive pudding, (its alot like egg nog) – has such  ‘interesting’ roots. Of course there are many different origin stories, but this is the one I’m running with.  Happy Christmas to all.

It can be used as a base for other desserts, (many suggest it was the original base for Tiramisu) or just with some tangy fresh fruit, like raspberries or blueberries

Zabaglione recipe card, no ads

Zabaglione. Who knew that this festive pudding, (its alot like egg nog) – has such  ‘interesting’ roots. Of course there are many different origin stories, but this is the one I’m running with.  Happy Christmas to all.

It can be used as a base for other desserts, (many suggest it was the original base for Tiramisu) or just with some tangy fresh fruit, like raspberries or blueberries

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